Sunday, August 28, 2011

WELCOME. BLOG - what is it for?

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a great summer and you are ready to make art this semester.

I am very excited to teach this Special Topics Class, where we explore a variety of approaches, and where we will possibly blur the borders of drawing and printmaking.

You are going to like it, if you work hard. You might ask yourself at some point “why are we doing this?”, and "is it really drawing?” You might be frustrated with assignments (like this blog- for example), or tired (of critiques- for example), but I hope you will have fun with it. We will experiment A LOT! We will learn a lot, but I am sure that we will fail a few times as well.

This Blog is for me, and for you, a way to get to know each other better. I want to know what you are inspired by. I am not talking about influential visual artists- I am talking about, everything OTHER than that this time.

Each week, I want you to post your three influances. I just want ONE out of three of them to be a visual artist. I will expect one paragraph written about your each post (shortly explaining: how? why? what? is inspirational about it.)

This Blog is a supplement to our art conversations that are happening in the classroom. Be courageous, yet responsible. Be yourself.