Sunday, November 27, 2011

New York City, 44 caliber rifles, and watches


Obviously, I went to New York City over break. Myself and three others hopped in my car (Rhonda the Honda) and hit the road. I haven't been since I was 12 so it was all pretty new and pretty awesome. There's no way in hell I'd live there but it sure is a nifty place to visit. I saw more art in one day than I have seen in two years. In some ways it was discouraging, but in other ways it was a boost. Some of the stuff I saw was terrific. Other pieces were totally lame. In one gallery we couldn't figure out what the piece actually was.... it was the ceiling tiles. Price: $15,000 for ONE tile. Yeah right. So anyway, there was other stuff. There was some inspiration. I saw a cat climb up a twenty foot ladder. Crazy city cats.

2. Guns!

I went to see my dad at camp over Thanksgiving. We drank some beers and shot some guns. Pretty much a super fun time. My dad has this one gun, a 44 caliber rifle. Oh my, it is so pretty. Nickel plated with a nice medium stain on the stock. What a beaut! It fired so nice, aimed just right and did I mention how freaking beautiful it was. Delicious! So yeah. Guns can be beautiful machines. Society often places a stigma on their dangerous capabilities. If you are using them safely and not like a tool bag, it can be a lot of fun. Safety first kids!

3. Watches

I love a good watch. During the summer I take off the watch. During the school year I need to know what time it is. But I love a watch with a face you can just barely read. I want a face with no numbers, a face that's distorted, one that tricks you every time you want to see the time. I will never wear a digital watch on my wrist. The digital watch.... I'll spare you the rant. Just learn to tell time like a grown-up okay? Frankly, I find a watch with hands much easier to navigate. If I have to be some where in forty minutes, it's easier to look at the watch face like pieces of a pie (visual visual visual) than to do some stupid subtraction problem in my head. If I liked math I wouldn't have had to D/F repeat it. So watches. I'm taking wood in the Spring. I think I'd like to dabble with time pieces.

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