Monday, November 7, 2011

Tattoos that mean nothing: aka aesthetic choices, common adolescent disorders, and Sydney Cash

Tattoos that mean nothing: Aka aesthetic choices.
Tattoos are inspirational to a lot of us. A progressive art form that has made great strides from the days of sailors and soldiers. Maybe I'm thinking about them because I'm getting tattooed in a few hours. Mostly I'm inspired today by tattoos that mean nothing other than an aesthetic choice for the canvas that is your body. I have work that means nothing. Nothing at all. Of course you know I could bullsh*t something up in a jiffy for ya, but what's the point? The owl on my arm has no significance other than I wanted it. I wanted an owl specifically from one of my artists. I wanted it like I want cookies. So I bought it. I added it to my collection. The same way people collect art. Currently I'm 'collecting' an octopus tattoo from Tyler down at Mojo's. A kid I used to work with got an octopus from Tyler. I became insanely jealous. Much like my own artwork, occasionally you find meaning through process. My octopus has become a tribute to my parents and the person they taught me to be. Many people are not very receptive to the idea of a meaningless tattoo. But seriously, I do what I want. Aside from the imagery, I'm into tattoos for the ouch factor....aaand segway..

Common adolescent disorders
Anorexia, bulimia, self injury. Almost like rites of passages for young people it seems like we all have a story to tell. Almost equal to the aesthetics of the tattoos I put on my body is the delicious pain tattoos give me. Oh! It hurts sooooooo goooood. The octopus I'm working on is a chest piece. It doesn't feel very nice... or does it? The line between pain and pleasure is confusing and not understood by society well. Back in my troubled adolescence I was a cutter. And it was a great time until my Mom caught on. I'd rather not wax philosophical all the reasons why I would do that to myself. Many cultures use pain and blood letting to cure illnesses. America is not so receptive. Frankly, if it wouldn't totally freak everyone out I'd still do it. But it's really not worth the hassle.

Currently I'm kicking around some molds and prints involving my scars. It's pretty interesting since I have not yet been able to incorporate this aspect of my life into my work without coming off as cliche.

Oh, and please do not recommend me for counseling. It is unnecessary. Been there, done that.

Sydney Cash
During my recent internet stumbles I came across Sydney Cash. He works with illusion, light and glass. I find his work beautiful and I have plans to attempt my own take on his ideas. The illusion of light and shadow is captured in a quintessential way within his work. The process involves transfers on glass and the direction of cast light. OM NOM!

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