Monday, October 24, 2011

1. Adam Hurst. This multi-talented musician is a new discovery for me. Literally, I found him five minutes ago. Ah, the joys of the interweb! Yes... So anyway, this man is amazing. He can bring forth SO many emotions with his work.. I want to play a cello. Or violin. Or bass. NO. Viola. I want to play a viola. Yes. This will happen.

I'm also inspired by Bach and Beethoven. I study to that kind of music (though apparently physics wants me to fail, whether I use study tactics or not... -_-)

2. Go outside tomorrow during the day. Breathe in. Smell that? Smell that stench of dead, rotting vegetation? That, right there. I don't think I need to say anything else, aside from Fall is upon us, and in full swing. Yum.

3. Edgar Degas, and his beautiful dancers. I have a poster of one of his paintings on my wall. Some people had pop stars with gelled-back hair on their walls at 13- I had Degas, Van Gogh, and Monet. Still love Monet and Degas- Van Gogh has been set aside for different things.

This post is later than my usual posts, whoops!

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