But what makes it so nasty to use in art? Is it because we used it as children to make presents for our parents, or because it covered the fuzzy letters on our shirts? Why do we hate glitter so much, and who made it a dirty word in the Art world? My personal opinion is that someone got irritated with it and spread the rumor that it made bad art, or that it cheapened the appeal. I'd like to try and see if I can combat this in the future, and make glitter have a Michael-Jackson sized comeback- GLITTER FOR EVERYONE.
2) I've been spending a lot of time outside this year, and have come across a few lovely feathers in my travels. Big, small, dark, light, perfect, nasty... All lovely feathers. I've seen a lot of people wearing them in their hair as extensions, in their ears (more my speed, my hair's too short for such shenanigans), and even as motifs on their shirts. Native American culture is in the midst of a huge comeback right now in fashion, and even in art. I'm no stranger to using feathers in my work- I glued one to a canvas over the summer, though it was an epic fail... Much like a LOT of work from summer... I am going to continue looking up and finding my own feathers, perhaps I'll see if I can print with them- they're just so beautiful and free... As they should be.
3) Pumpkins. I'm obsessed with them. Eating them, drinking their extracts (or a fake version, even ) in my coffee, smelling them in candles, seeing them everywhere, and their color spilling into leaves, home decor, and other things.. Pumpkins are wonderful, and very useful. They're a seasonal love for me, and as Fall approaches, I become more into Fall-type things and objects. Like how it was snowing at my house this morning- I was STOKED... for about five minutes.
Anyway... I just baked a pumpkin pie, and now I'm feeling inspired. More to come from that later! Look for pumpkin colors in my prints!
And a small side note, my whole-hearted vote for the show title goes to Adnando the Bear and Tales from the Kitchen. It sparks interest and keeps one entertained, without being boring- titles for shows are often so serious- this breaks it up nicely.
Haha! Omg. Glitter! I too hate glitter! It gets everywhere. If you get some on your face, it's stuck there for weeks. I feel like glitter holds tightly all the things of your childhood. As adults we become so bitter in our sophistication that glitter repulses us. Sadly, for Ed. majors, children love glitter. Maybe we should give glitter a second chance.