1. I have recently changed my interest for the class from making advertisements to recreating ads that already exist, with my own twist on them. Specifically, how "to-go" bags work as free advertising for fast food chains. We buy the food but have to carry around their bag that travels around by the customer. They would never put their products in blank paper bags, but we allow ourselves to put their brand out there. Almost like a silent spokes person. Most people don't even realize they are doing it. Therefore, I plan to recreate the popular restaurant chains that use paper bags to put their product it.
2. I hope to then make, what seems like, a normal (McDonald's, Wendy's ect.) bag from far away, but add quotes from owners of the franchises. Along with quotes I will also expose their advertising techniques within the text of the bags. I hope to expose corruption and hidden techniques of the brands. This will be my first body of work.
3. I hope my second body of work will be a large collage of (Starbucks, McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Adidas, etc.) napkins, sauce packets, bags, and wrappers, plus printmaking pieces that have text. I want to combine the first demos Martyna did with the new demos she showed us in with the other actual consumer items until they all mix. The end result will create a large American flag out of the items. To make a statement that sometimes these popular culture businesses will advertise themselves in a way that forms our American culture. These brands sometimes become the identity of America in the eyes of other cultures. I find this somewhat disturbing.
Don't forget the taco bell! Sprowls' 4th floor often smells of crunch wrap supremes during finals week.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see it !