I've been working on this piece with old hymn books, so I've been thinking about music more conceptually. I really love music and I realized that, like so many other interests that I have, music is in this in-between place...in between absent and present. It's has a true presence, but there is nothing physical/tangible about it music and singing itself. The body, instruments and sheet music make it come together so we can recognize it, but it's truly ephemeral. This ties into the concept of the piece I'm working with.
2. Robert Gober
For my artist, Robert Gober deals with the banal. He is most well-known for her meticulously made pewter drains placed in galleries and otherwise. It's very dry, and not always terribly interesting to look at, but he works with the psychology of the viewer in a smart way. For example, he knows that is audience will be limited, but that's okay because he wants to reward those that investigate.
3. Water
I love water. Sounds silly, but it's really true! It's a motif that pops up in my own life: I am from Pgh, the city of the three rivers, when I was in Florence, I happened to live right next to the Arno (the main river) and I spent a lot of time sitting by it and walking along it, I'm Catholic and the water is an important symbol and has a role in church rituals, and finally, the most significant, I've been a swimmer almost my entire life. I started getting lessons when I was three, then joined school, summer and my club teams from when I was eleven until I stopped team swimming when I was a sophomore in undergrad (can you guess why?)
Artisically, I am drawn to processes that involve water like stone litho and papermaking. I also realized that I reference water a lot in my own work. Although I still swim laps, I really miss being on swim teams and coaching. Perhaps my intuition is trying to fill that void.

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