Sunday, October 9, 2011


1. OLD PHOTOGRAPHS. My mom is a historian and has many old photographs. I've seen these photographs my whole life and I am finally realizing the beauty and significance of them. My grandmother gave me some photos of my father and his siblings a couple months ago. After her death, I  am now realizing that these photographs are the memories I have of her. I don't want anything else, I'd rather have photos that I can play with with all these printmaking techniques! It seems to be helping me and inspiring me. It's pretty awesome.

2. SPONTANEITY. A lot of my work is spontaneous and that is because it pumps me up and gets me excited. I start with a very basic idea of what I want but when I begin to create it's the spontaneous things that really trigger and inspire me to continue. I love being somewhere and seeing colors that really catch my eye and run to the studio, put my music on loud, run around and create.

3. NICOLA LOPEZ. Nicolas work is based on experiential landscapes of "todays society". I first found out about her over the summer but I looked at her website and was amazed to see that she is also a print maker! Her installations are what caught my eye over the summer, thought. They look like explosions on walls! She talks about her work describing it as a "map" which always inspires me. I love maps.

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