1. I believe the object of a noose is a metaphor for judgement. I want to use the idea of a noose to involve the viewer in my art. The viewer gets to decide if the object placed within the noose is guilty of not guilty. For my purposes I will use objects I believe need to be re-judged. I believe advertisements can be unnecessary, and therefore, there needs to be more censoring. I have lately been hanging objects such as Wendy's cups to decide if their packaging advertisements are unnecessary. An overkill. We know when we go to Wendy's we are buying their product, so why do they need to advertise to their own customers? You be the judge.
2. Lately the subject of art being to literal has come up in my classes. I have been really thinking about how to make sure my work is not too literal. Therefore, in my hanging drawings, I only draw the rope on the paper because this object is supposed to be the first thing the viewer sees and tries to understand. Then, using embossing, I will imprint the object into the rope that is meant to be judged. Because the object is not drawn on the paper, it allows the string to have more purpose than the advertisements on the objects. I believe this is a way to degrade the advertisements on the packaging in a very, un-literal way. The ads on the objects are practically invisible, and therefore call for a judgement of their purpose. And the point of these works is to judge if the advertisements are guilty or not guilty of being overkill for the customers.
3. Scale. I have made the judgement drawings/embossing very small. Smaller than the normal size of the objects. This is another way to degrade the objects. They are not large and so they are not easily seen. And the point of advertisements is to get your attention. I would like to pair these judgement drawings with drawings/embossing of objects that I believe fulfill their purpose without overexposing us to advertisements. These would have the objects drawn on a large scale because I am encouraging objects to fulfill their purpose. I may emboss a pedestal under the objects. I have not decided yet. It may be too literal.
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