Banksy, the British grafetti artist. His work is snarky, and it makes me smile.
Burning paintings. Ivan's demo was this morning about the effects you can get by burning paintings, and I've been experiementing with that lately. I'm pretty pumped about it, and want to explore that more.
Food dye. I've been working with food dye again recently. Its similiar to paint by definition, but it doesnt come in the colors that paint does, and when it mixes with hydrogen peroxide, the dyes seperate and make new colors (did you ever do that experiment in 3rd grade where you draw with black sharpie and stick the paper in the hydrogen peroxide and the ink seperates into the blue, green and purple that are in the black ink?). I've been painting with it, spraying it, painting over it, spraying over it. It's been nifty.
Also, I really miss life drawing.
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