Wednesday, October 12, 2011

i n f l u e n c e s

1.  Marco Zamora
He compiles objects and figures from an urban landscape and setting together in one composition. The color is usually limited in black and white with small flecks of color. I think they are really smart and well composed. He's the ish basically. Check him out! He does anything from painting to drawing to prints to installation to sculpture.

2. My brother and his baby momma
I went home to Baltimore for the weekend. My brother, age 25, still lives at my parents' house with one of his baby mommas and his two kids. Unfortunately, he's barely home, and when he is, he's a ruckus. Ruckus meaning loud, profane and inappropriate. So, this weekend I had the pleasure of rescuing my nephew from having to listen to his dad and replacement mom screaming the worst language at each other. Really, if I hadn't been there, he would have had to listen to them argue.... So ridiculous. My 5 yr old nephew asks me 'Can I go with you' and I quickly responded yes! And we didn't come back for the rest of the day. Poor kid was walking around the house with his fingers in his ears... Really bro, really? The situation is so bad for my nephew and 8 mo old niece... I feel so bad they have to be around people like that, too bad those people are their parents... Sometimes I wonder how many other kids have to be exposed to crap like that and worse...

3. On a lighter note... class critique
Ms. Emily gave me a great suggestion for my prints! I am super excited and have jumped on the idea and started getting it ready for my cyanotype! So pumped for this project... I'll give you a few hints... webcam, totems, child, pattern.... I hope you're confused!

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