Sunday, October 30, 2011

snow, videos, alyssa monks.

1. Snow! This is my first inspiration because the first snowfall of the year always brings a beautiful feeling inside me. It brings warm feelings of family love and closeness. It brings reminders that my birthday and Christmas are almost here. These feelings connect to the bugs and family photos I am exploring right now and trigger me to want to dig deeper and find the best way to portray them.

2. Videos! I had forgotten how much I loved video! When I was a senior in high school I would carry around my camera and use the video on it to shoot 30 second clips of my life. I carried it everywhere with me and filmed everything. I created a movie using some of them. I have been inspired again after being forced to do these stop-animation films. I'm not sure how long this inspiration will last but right now I am very excited about it!

3. Alyssa Monks{9C2EB4DA-44B9-4297-99EA-360A00216893} is my artist for this week because of her ability to create realism and abstraction together. I am really drawn to her older work because of the experimentation with the angles she takes her photographs from. There are many sexual innuendos in her work too, which draws me to them as well.

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see that I'm not the only one excited about the snow we received!!! I was sad to see it go. :(

    Also... I'm obsessed with Alyssa. Have you "liked" her page on facebook? You should- she posts new work and news constantly. DO IT, BETH. :D
