Tuesday, September 20, 2011

So about that article

A little late but better than never right? So anyway I found it quite interesting. Toward the end it focused a lot on the idea of technology supplanting the traditional art of printmaking. Which, in a way, I think holds some truth. Printmaking used to be necessary to mass produce, whereas now it's actually far less useful and cost effective to do so. I can submit my artwork to become prints for sale directly on deviantart. It takes me about two seconds. I feel like print has become an art in a different way though. It is now completely about the process, which the author talked about as well. But with that process comes the human touch. While a good printer reproduces his work correctly and as perfectly as a human hand can, it still has those minor deviations and imperfections that are what make printmaking beautiful and still with purpose. I admit when I first started printing I found it to be a completely daunting task. "Why can't I just paint this? Draw this? Do it once and print it out from a computer?" But once you really get into and start to love those specific print qualities for their own sake, you understand why printing has remained. I don't feel that the art of printmaking will ever become completely extinct. It is dated, but that is where it's charm lies. I love printing editions and screwing it up. Having pieces that are all mostly the same, but maybe not quite. That's why I'll keep doing it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dane!
    Good to hear you thoughts. I would like to see some proofs tomorrow.
